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Power and control amplifier

Above you can see the housing of my digitally controlled preamplifier and power amplifier, below a 80C552-microcontrollerboard, which has been published in the Elektor magazine of January 2004.


New on this homepage

When? Where? What?
23.06.2019 vereniging.hamers.de New area about my club management software
05.12.2012 libraries.php Inserted page about libraries and tools.
10.03.2011 database.php Updated database page.
14.11.2010 vereniging.php Added documentation for the database and menu structure.
01.11.2010 vereniging.php Added page for my club management software.
24.10.2010 bike_charger_mount.php Added page with bike charger wall mount.
17.10.2010 projects.php Added projects.
17.10.2010 everywhere Rewrote menu system (switched to XML).
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