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  Electronics 80c552 µC-board Mainboard Preamp Power amplifier Making PCBs Tools
80c552 µC-board
Memory layout
Circuit board

80552 microcontrollerboard


For my preamplifier I developed a microcontroller-board, which can also be used for other projects. The main characteristic is the possibility to reprogram the program memory (flash) using the serial interface. The main features are:

  • 80c552-controller
  • 64 kB FLASH-ROM, 32 kB RAM
  • in-circuit-programmable
  • complete addresslogic in GAL
  • 9 chipselect-signals for external memory-mapped-IO
  • I2C-bus
  • watchdogtimer, voltage-supervisor, backup-battery for RAM
  • complete RS232-interface (MAX232)
  • Compatible with the development enviroment of Wickenhäuser

This board has been published in the Elektor in january 2004. So the PCB can be ordered from Elektor (for very little money :-)

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